Thursday, December 15, 2011

Homemade Carpet Cleaner

When I started this blog it was just a quick way to get my thrifty ideas to my friends who were interested in saving money.  I wanted this blog to be a sounding board, where people share their ideas & give their comments on my posts.  Here is one thrifty recipe from my high school friend, Wendy.  With Christmas just around the corner & family coming up my carpets are looking a bit dingy so I'm going to try this:

This recipe sounds a little weird, but we swear by it. My husbands aunt gave us the recipe and we tried it on the carpets of our old van which were horrible from toting toddlers and their food around. The carpet looked almost new afterwards. I use it as a pre-treater too. I just put it in a spray bottle and spray on the bigger stains and let it sit for awhile.

1 cup Ammonia
1/2 cup Wisk liquid detergent (I use Purex HE and it works good too)
1 capful liquid fabric softener

Mix it all together until it is a uniform consistency and then use it in your cleaner.
My carpet cleaner is a Hoover that the soap goes in a holder on the side, I assume if you put it in one that the soap goes in with the water you would just pour the same amount as you would the regular soap.

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