Saturday, September 22, 2012

Cinnamon Pear Fruit Leather

I got a 1/2 of tote of pears for free last week.  They are by no means pretty.  It was a lonely tree in front of our schools bus barn.  No spray, no love from anyone, but still produced a lot of edible pears.  And with pears, they all seem to ripen at once.  I'm only one woman.  Now that my husband has a FT job right now (YEA!), he can't help process all the wonderful fruits that the PNW provides.  I saw a recipe somewhere where I could use the oven to make fruit leather.  This is super super easy. 

  1. Preheat oven to 170*. 
  2. Peel & core pears.
  3. Toss them into the food processor.
  4. Add sugar & cinnamon to taste.
  5. Pour pear sauce onto a silicone lined cookie sheet.
  6. Lightly shake the sheet so the sauce is evenly distributive.
  7. Bake for at least 4 hours (perhaps more)
  8. About every hour or so turn & move (either up or down to the other rack) the cookie sheet.
  9. Once cool & dry cut with pizza cutter.
  10. Store in a plastic bag or enjoy right away.

I made about 5 tray fulls over the last few days.  My children have eaten all but 4 pieces!  Guess I'm making more!

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