Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I've got myself in a pickle.

Quick children of the 80's!  This line comes from what movie?  "He would get me out of biggest pickle I'd ever been in."  This one will help "You're killing me Smalls!"  The Sandlot, I just love that movie!

Well I didn't get myself into a pickle, for today at least, but I did can 18 quarts of them.

Aren't they gorgeous?

As you can see from the picture that's all you need (plus water).  I picked up the cucumbers from the farmer's market (who were willing to barter later in the day!)  I got 16 HUGE cucumbers for $8.  I got this many because my garden only have produced 2 pickling cucumbers because the weather here in Oregon is crazy!  And it is cheaper then to go to the store & get a jar of them yourself, but if there is a good coupon deal I'll pick some up.

Time: abt 2 hours from start to finish
Difficulty: Easy if you know how to properly "can" your food.

9-11 lbs of pickling cucs (I used regular ones)
3 1/3C white vinegar
7 1/3C water
1 pouch of dill pickle mix

Prepare is instructed on back of mix package.  Process in hot water bath canner for 15 minutes for quarts.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I've got fruit snacks coming out my ears!

Before you freak out at the "garbage" I have pictured here, just remember I will using them in school lunches & trying to get my youngest potty trained.  I'm a busy mom & yes I will bribe my child to use the toliet!

I was able to get all of this for $6.79.  It is worth $26.75.  That's a discount 75%!  All the eraseable markers will go to school for my oldest supply list.  I was able to get 8 markers for free.  Not bad.

What was your best deal?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Super Cheap Household Antibacterial Cleaner

Wait for it, wait for it . . .

Put in 1 bottle:
1/2 white vinegar
1/2 water

That's it. Nothing else.  Although I would suggest to boil your water first & let it cool.  Then again if you don't the vinegar should kill anything in the water.

PS Be sure to label your bottle so you know what it is.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Household Cleaner Just Like Grandma Used to Make

Homemade 409

2T Distilled Vinegar
1T Borax
1/8C Dawn (or whatever soap you have on hand)
1C HOT water
1 trigger spray bottle

Pour vinegar, borax, hot water into bottle.  Fill with cold water.  Add Dawn (or whatever soap you have on hand).

PS Be sure to label your bottle so you know what it is.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Super cheap tub cleanser

Here's another simple recipe, this time for your tub.

Plastic spray bottle
1 1/2 cups water
1/2 cup white vinegar
1 T dish soap

Put everything into the spray bottle.

Go to your bathroom and spread about 1/4 cup of baking soda over the floor of the tub. Spray the contents of your spray bottle into the tub until the baking soda is saturated.

Using a soft scrub brush or sponge, scrub your bathtub until it is clean. Rinse the contents down the drain when you are finished.

"My Children's Closet" is Now OPEN!

My family is excited to announce that we have opened our children's consignment space inside Claire's Mercantile!  We have lots of good quality children's clothes at affordable prices.  More & more items are coming in everyday.  Please stop on by & visit my space in Claire's 240 SW Washington St, Dallas Wed-Sat 10:30 am to 5:30 pm.  Tell your friends!

Homemade Handscrub - (If the little ones accidently eat it, that's ok it's all natural.)

I made this last year as a Christmas gift because money was TIGHT & a number of you wanted me to share my recipe so here it is!

REMEMBER this makes A LOT so adjust accordingly if you want to make a small batch!  I have also found other recipes like with cinnamon or brown sugar which I might try later.

1 1/2C Sugar
1/3 Kosher Salt (I used Epsom salt)
Zest of Lemon, Orange or Lime
1C Olive Oil (Found @ the $1 store)
1/4 tsp pure lemon extract (Found @ the $1 store)

Mix all together & share with friends.