Thursday, May 23, 2013

Homemade Vanilla Extract

Do you know what's in vanilla extract?  2 things: Vanilla beans & vodka.  THAT'S IT! The 3rd ingredient is time.  About 3-6 months depending on your desired level of strength of flavor.

First vanilla beans & vodka
 Cut beans length wise & scrap seeds into jar.

Put vanilla beans into jar.

Pour in vodka to cover beans.  Put jar in the a dark cupboard.  Let sit 3-6 months. 
Shake every month or so.  Don't forget to write date on the lid
Cost analysis: $5.99 for organic beans, $18.99 for a liter of vodka.  I probably used about $4.00 worth of vodka (overestimate).  So $9.99 total.  The jar holds 1 pint = 16 fl oz.  Amazon has vanilla on sale 8 oz for $10.17.  I made double for the same price & didn't have to pay shipping.  I'm ready to bake some chocolate cookies!

Saturday, May 18, 2013


I've been MIA for a while.  School, hospitalizations, & life in general.  But I'm coming back with a vengence!  See my new posts soon!