Sunday, November 27, 2011

Super Cheap Household Cleaner Part Deux - The Orange Scented Edition

In Part one of my post about cheap household cleaner the ingredients were simple:

Put in 1 bottle:
1/2 white vinegar
1/2 water

That's it. Nothing else.  Although I would suggest to boil your water first & let it cool.  Then again if you don't the vinegar should kill anything in the water.

PS Be sure to label your bottle so you know what it is.

In Part Deux, I was commented to my husband that everytime I clean with my homemade cleaner my house smells like vinegar.  The smell was ok, but not great.  Guess what I found out!  You can add used orange or lemon peels to your jar and the oils from the rinds infuses with the vinegar & smells WONDERFUL!  This is what I do:

Add orange peels & vinegar solution into a jar.  I'm reusing an old speghetti sauce jar.  Place it in a dark place like a pantry & wait a few weeks.  Honestly mine started to smell like oranges in a couple of days, just keep it out of direct sunlight.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Where have I been?

Yes I know I haven't posted anything in the last few months.  Sue me, I was busy.  Busy with what? Life. Life plain & simple.  I canned everything I could get my hands on.  I mean EVERYTHING!  Our pantry is full & I'm one happy lady.  I promise I will get back to posting things I find "THRIFTY". 

But in the meantime, take a minute and be thankful for what you have.  I know I am truely thankful this year!